Monday, February 2, 2009

What's going on?

Okay, I know I've already posted today, but I just have to ask...what's going on? I love my singles' ward, but tonight at FHE there were over 40 people...and only 3 "RMs." All of whom, I've already established zero interest with. And I LOVE the girls in the ward, but none of them are really the type of people I connect with. Trying not to be discouraged, but what am I supposed to do? They won't let us go to the BYU ward for our area. It just feels like we get double punishment, not only do we live at home (therefore diminishing our social lives) but we have to either go to our family ward with relatively zero YSA, or go the stake YSA ward (which is perfect for those just out of high school, but seriously, when you've transitioned to the singles' life and are ready to really grow up, it's not the best.) It just doesn't seem fair sometimes. I wish sooo bad I could move out. It just feels like I don't have a place in this crazy world. I guess we all feel like that sometimes... Okay, chin up, no moping! P.S. Don't worry, it's not so bad. I just feel slightly discouraged right now. I'll be over it soon.


Rachel Leslie said...

Who would want to meet their future someone at a singles ward? oh no, come on, you want adventure.

Chels said...

You should just come to my ward. And you have a valid excuse because you'd be visiting ME! haha. Plus we have RM's out the wahoo.

analyn said...

Hey, I am most happy that you're back. Trying to think of what else to write and I just had an idea...I'm going to send you a poem (because you do have a place in this world). Loves.